Saturday, March 16, 2019

Disappearing ... Icicles, Snow, and Irish Soda Bread

March 11, 2019 sunrise hits the monumental icicles
Two days after I took this picture the ice dam shelf of icicles slid off and crashed to the ground. Today, not quite a week later, the icicles are gone all over, even from the homes where they reached the ground in a kind of ice-cave way. The snow is melting and nearly gone from lawns and streets, except for where the wind and snow plow had piled up mountains. If we're lucky, we won't get the early spring blizzards as we did last year--three in March and April.  But for all the progress no one is likely to plant potatoes as is the St. Patrick's Day tradition.

In the kitchen, I have another tradition simmering away--corned beef and cabbage!

I've made my favorite Irish Soda Bread, too. It is an easy recipe. Makes a single loaf with a great chewy texture -- perfect for the leftover corned been sandwiches.

Irish Soda Bread

1 tablespoon vinegar
1 cup milk, any kind will do
2 cups flour
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt, optional
1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. Put the vinegar in a glass measuring cup and add milk to make one cup. Stir, and set aside for a couple of minutes to sour. In a medium mixing bowl combine the flour, baking soda, salt, and cream of tartar. Pour in about 3/4 cup of the soured milk and mix quickly with a fork. Then begin to knead gently to form a rough, slightly damp, dough. You may need to add a bit more milk, a tablespoon at a time. DO NOT OVER KNEAD.  You don't want a smooth and elastic dough as you have for yeast bread. This is a roughly textured dough. If you over knead, the bread will be tough. Form the dough into a circle about 6-inches in diameter. Flatten to about an inch and a half thick. Place on a lightly greased baking sheet. With a serrated knife make an "x" cut almost halfway through the dough. Bake until the bread is browned and sounds hollow when you tap it. Cool before slicing.  Best eaten in one or two days after baking... if you can wait that long!

Copyright 2019, Rae Katherine Eighmey, all rights reserved


  1. Oh wow! Thank you for posting Rae! That is on my baking list for tomorrow!

  2. I have never made soda bread, Rae. Maybe I'll give it a go this afternoon and throw in a few raisins. I'm glad there are signs of spring in Clear Lake


A Blueberry Buckle Bonus for Avoiding Mayflies

This is a Mayfly This is a small sample of their gathering behavior. They tend to fly up when you approach so I couldn't get ...