Tuesday, August 14, 2018

And the Tomatoes are Here!

Oh YUM!  Our six tomato plants have come into their own.  I'm rather pleased with the varieties we planted this year. Some came early, some are best for putting up, and some-- the Brandywine and Purple Cherokee are perfect for BLTs, or just plain eating out of hand while they are still warm and extra juicy from the afternoon sun.

We have cucumbers, beans, summer squash, and some chard and beets coming as well. So all in all, between the garden and the Clear Lake Farmer's Market held at the Surf parking lot every Saturday morning we'll be in good shape come October with packages of vegetables in the freezer and jars of pickles and my favorite tomato chili sauce relish on the shelf.

This Tomato Chili Sauce adds a fabulous spicy accent to all kinds of dishes.
Mix it into ground beef for a superior meatloaf.
Combine with honey for a great chicken bbq glaze.
Or just use to top a tasty hot dog. 

1860s Tomato Chili Sauce 

2 quarts ripe tomatoes
1 large onion
6 small green peppers
1 cup sugar
2 1/2 cups vinegar, white or cider
2 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon EACH ground allspice, ground cloves, cinnamon, ginger, mace, and nutmeg

Peel and seed the tomatoes, peel and chop the onion, seed the peppers. Use a food processor, blender, or food grinder to chop the vegetables into very small pieces, about 1/4 of an inch. Do not over process. You want recognizable pieces, not mush. Combine the vegetables with the remaining ingredients in a large pot. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, and simmer until the onions look transparent and the mixture has thickened. Stir frequently as it has a tendency to scorch as it nears the end of the cooking time. Put into hot sterilized canning jars and store in the refrigerator for up to 3 months. Or you may process following USDA guidelines.

Copyright 2018  Rae Katherine Eighmey. All rights reserved.

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